Congratulations on Your Engagement!

I’m Dr. Jeff Gardner. I have been conducting weddings and providing pre-marital coaching for over 30 years. In addition, I have been married myself since 1985. I can assure you friendly yet vital preparation for your new life together, as well as a fabulous wedding ceremony that your friends and family will talk about for years to come.

I am not a “for-hire” wedding officiant who will meet you for the first time on your wedding day. I am a former full-time pastor, recently retired, with specialized training in marital dynamics, who wants to see couples prepare not only for their wedding, but for their marriage! This is an important distinction to keep in mind. I will spend some important preparation time with you in advance of your wedding as well as attend your rehearsal and wedding.

The Best Wedding Ever

One thing I hear often from couples after their wedding is that their guests said, “That was the best wedding I’ve ever been to.” That’s because I encourage every couple do be completely who they are and to be as creative as possible. After doing a few hundred weddings, I have lots of ideas. I’ll bet you do, too. We’ll build your ceremony around a theme that is unique to you. And while most of your time together and most of the money spent will be about the reception, remember that your wedding itself is the focus of the day. Let’s make it everything you’ve ever dreamed of!

Couples often ask me when they contact me: “What are your weddings like?” My one-line answer is simple: As fun as possible, as reverent as necessary. It’s your wedding - so the wedding will fit YOU!

I’ve Got You!

There are a million things to worry about on your wedding day, so many things you have to remember. The wedding ceremony won’t be one of them. You’ll have a friend walking you through every minute!

Because we will have met one another, and prepared in advance, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy as you pledge your love to one another. I promise.

Preparing For Your Wedding

If you choose to have me conduct your wedding day ceremony, I’d like to meet with you in person if possible, to discuss your desires for the ceremony. While I follow a basic order, I invite you to be as creative as you possibly can. I thrive on creativity, and will be happy to join you in the process of customizing your big day.

In addition, if you choose the pre-marital counseling option, we will talk about the things that make marriages successful. I want you to have not only a great wedding, but a great marriage! We’ll discuss the things that make for a lifelong marriage and about the things that usually cause the most problems.

In addition, should you need any marital coaching once you are married, I will always be available. My services come with a lifelong commitment.